We scuttle around scouting
The lyrics and tunes and art
That express what we feel
Deep inside our hearts
But have you ever once
Sat still for a while
And thought about why
This art makes you smile
Is it because you feel
It finally puts into form
The things you held within
Voicing your inner storm
Or can it be relief
That someone’s felt the same
In this overcrowded world
You’re not alone in the game
Or is it intrigue that draws you
To stop and stare at someone’s art
Because it reminds you that beating
Is just one function of the heart
That the depth of your existence
Is more than organs, skin and bone
That this art, by an unknown artist
Has made you feel known
We walk around as warriors but
It’s been clear from the start
The strings of humanness tie us
With artists born decades apart
So don’t worry about skill
Just make sure you create
Say your piece, use your voice
I bet someone will relate
The birds are artists too
Singing songs at the break of light
To signal to their friends
That they made it through the night